Male Pregnancy is one of popular plots setting in female fanfic culture and females enjoy seeing their appreciating male characters suffering from pregnancy and becoming vulnerable. This is the embodiment of fanfic community females gazing at males and showing what these females want to see in this process. The project explores why and what females enjoy when they see Male Pregnancy, and try to create a space where the power dynamic between genders is inverted, and gives females the agency to look, feminizing and objectify the male body.
Ruichao Jiang
My works through the thesis can be divided into three parts, and each part represents one opinion of mine on Mpreg. The first part is an exhibition in a real physical space.
Material: Paper mashed clay, plaster bandage, metal mesh.
Photographed by Dan Meyers
Photographed by Dan Meyers
Photographed by Dan Meyers
Photographed by Dan Meyers
Photographed by Dan Meyers
The second part is a brochure for pregnant males. I built my own setting about Mpreg to show my attitude and opinion about Mpreg.
The Scenario Generator helps create context for an imagined future. In the same way that artifacts in a museum can tell us something about history, speculative design objects act as artifacts from a future.
The Mpreg process and technical details are referenced to real women’s pregnancies and are fictionalized by myself.
Content Sourced from Brigham Health Club
The setting about pregnant men relying on soft textiles and partners is based on a popular setting in Omegaverse.
I made paper dolls with the theme of Mpreg, in order to show that these pregnant men can also become the object of girls’ games and fantasies.