Social media can cause mental problems, much like mouthwatering junk food damages our physical health. Social media is easy to consume and provides instant gratification, but it leaves us feeling unfulfilled and anxious.
My project illustrates the grim facts of social media addiction by drawing an analogy to fast food.
The nutritional breakdown of fast food is compared to the emotional repercussions of social media.
Wordplay and illustrations based on food labels and social media jargon dramatize issues such as cyberbullying, anxiety and depression.
Richa Poddar
Bullying Burger
Layers of malice topped with random micro-aggressions feed our
depression and anxiety.
Price: 3X increase in self-harm attempts.
Perfection Pizza
The quest to craft a perfect persona creates unreachable standards
Price: low self-esteem and negative body image
Insatiable Soda
Our bottomless thirst for likes, comments, and shares leaves us anxious,
depressed, and famished for more.
Price: loss of real human connections.
Fomo Fries
Other people’s fake lives leave us feeling empty—and
craving another heap of unreality.
Price: mood swings, loneliness, feelings of inferiority.