Reframe is an exploration of my personal design journey that grows out of daily observations and design methodologies into new forms of mapping. I use quantitative reasoning maps to chart and analyze intangible connections. Similar to how our brains work, zoom buttons on digital devices let us examine images from
many viewpoints. I explore how we discover the world and how these stories beneath the surface frame and reframe our cognition — and, most importantly, how they reframe my visual landscape as a designer. What should be the center of the map? Following the question, I started by applying different methodologies to observe one object and recreate visual elements in different ways, for example fish anatomy. Many experiments along the way provided me an opportunity to sum up my own understanding of design through multiple lenses.
Congjia Jin
Mindmap Project
Mindmap Workshop Poster
City Map
City Map
City Map
Mindmap Project
Mindmap Project photoshoot
Fish Typeface Poster
Fish Typeface
Fish Typeface
Fish Typeface
Fish Typeface
Fish Project