The Den is a wellness project that explores resources aimed to help African-American middle school preteens, ages 10-14, through day to day challenges. Providing a safe space dedicated to a holistic healing experience, teens, along with their families and community are equipped with unique tools and programs.
Ashley Fletcher
The Den provides monthly mindfulness kits which includes guide books, tote bags, & much more.
The Den’s Mindfulness Guide
Cover and folder for the mindfulness guide tools.
The inside of the guide holds an affirmation book, exercise book, sketchbook, Chill Zone checklist, stickers, and scratch offs.
The Den’s storyboard
Keeping in mind the varying learning styles that teens have, The Den's visual elements were converted to 3D objects and used in a motion graphic to explain each resource in the kit.
4-Color variation screen printed posters that were given to participants of The Den’s workshop.
Excerpts from Experts
During my research I conducted various interviews with professionals in education and social design.
The Den’s Workshop
Invitation and Parent/Guardian consent forms that were handed out during the interest meeting for The Den’s Workshop.
Teens during our first workshop creating mindfulness jars that help alleviate anxiety.
The second workshop was dedicated to restorative circles with an option for them to do an activity they were interested in. The circle discussion was so good that they didn't want to do another activity. We created questions to pull from a jar. I was able to sprinkle in questions that would inform my research and also give them total power to lead the workshop.